Friday, July 10, 2015


1. Cardboard Band-Aid box
2. Green paper
3. Neon green paper
4. Black duct tape
5. Black permanent marker
6. Three toilet paper roll cardboard tubes
7. Glue stick
8. Scissors

Cover toilet paper rolls and Band-Aid box in green paper using glue stick.

Draw the Creeper face with black permanent marker on the front of the Band-Aid box.

Glue pieces of neon green paper and stick black duct tape to the toilet paper roll cardboard tubes.

Cut two lines on each of the two toilet paper roll cardboard tubes.

You'll be able to stick the third toilet paper roll cardboard tube in between the other two toilet paper roll cardboard tubes.

Cut two lines on each side of the Band-Aid box.

Fold the sides in and stick black duct tape to the folded sides.

Stick the Band-Aid box on top.

It should look like this:

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